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The Story of Ah Q is a good example of how to deal with a serious theme in a popular style.


Over the years, the spread of HIV/AIDS has been mainly the result of negligence in the process of blood donation.

安居工程 affordable housing project

安全岛 safety island

暗箱操作 under-the-counter (table) dealings


to give a pretentious display

to put on a hollow display

to strike a pose in their work


半拉子工程 uncompleted (unfinished) project

包干到户 household-based contract system

保税区 free trade zone; bonded zone


a moderately comfortable society

a relatively comfortable society

a well-off society

补偿贸易 compensation trade

重复引进 repeated importation of technology and equipment


capacity to earn foreign exchange through exports

foreign-exchange earning capacity

创业园 innovation park, incubator

促进全球经济一体化 to promote global economic integration


financial pool against serious disease

medicare scheme for serious disease

health plan


play down big issues and gloss over minor ones

make major problems sound like minor ones and treat minor ones as nothing

德才兼备 have both integrity and ability

定心丸 reassurance, mind relief, give…peace of mind


economic and technological exchange with the outside world (or with other countries)


welfare housing system

government-subsidized housing

assigned housing as a welfare benefit

复式住宅 duplex apartment, pent house suites

计划单列市 a city specially designated in the state plan


radiating and exemplary role of the open areas

the rippling effect and demonstration role of the open areas

留职停薪 keep one’s post with salary suspended


green, high-tech and people-centered (humanistic) Olympic Games


quality-oriented education

competence-oriented education

全球多边贸易体系 global multilateral trading regime

上门服务 home service

涉外经济 business involving overseas partners


make a breakthrough

break new ground


to carve /project/cultivate a positive corporate image

to cut a good corporate image

筒子楼 dorm building without private kitchen and bathroom


socialism with Chinese characteristics

Chinese-style socialism

Chinese socialism


to become compatible with international practice

to adapt to international practice

to bring into line with international practice


make one’s own management decisions and take full responsibility for one’s own profits and losses

综合国力 total/overall national strength

周边(不译作on China’s periphery 或China’s peripheral area)

areas around China

surrounding areas

neighboring countries and regions


parties participating in the deliberation and administration of state affairs

participatory parties

民主党派: democratic parties, 有时也可考虑用other political parties,不用non-Communist parties;“共产党和民主党派“可译为the Communist Party and other democratic parties


enforce (strengthen, improve) law-based import and export management


depriveTaiwan of Chinese characteristics


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC

For Certificate Only (FMPRC)

籍贯place of origin, native of


非传统安全问题 non-traditional security concerns

买断工龄 lump-sum severance pay

在一个月内互相关闭驻对方的“使馆”或“领事馆”及其他官方机构, 撤走“使馆人员”或“领馆人员”及其他官方人员

to ensure the mutual close-down(closure) of “embassies” or “consulates” and other official agencies and the withdrawal of “embassy” or “consular” and other official staff within one month.


drag out the term of his service until he gets promoted

hanging on at one’s post in order to get what he wishes

公积金 provident fund

住房公积金 public accumulation fund for housing

社会统筹和个人帐户相结合 social pool plus individual accounts

民族国家分立的局面 nation states as independent players

创新职能functions to innovate (upgrade)


to unify economic functions

to perform the same economic functions


For a rather long period in the past, China followed a (rigid) planned economic system.


The existing administrative management mode can no longer go along with the trend of the times, and it needs to be shifted towards law-based management.


steadily strengthen (improve) the legal framework for non-proliferation

将导弹…的出口全面纳入法制化管理的轨道 to subject …missile export…to law-based control


Party affairs committee

Party affairs committee of government offices

行政司Administrative Department

老干部局 Department for Retirees

纪检常务副书记Executive Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the CPC

中国因公出国人员Chinese going abroad on business

因公普通护照Ordinary Passport for Business Purpose

自办签证单位unitswith visa application authorization

统办 (申请签证)chartered visa application

部分统办 (申请签证)partly chartered visa application

签证专办员visa officer 持因私护照人员

holders of Ordinary Passport for Private Purpose


I come to the world with a giving heart,

I depart (go away) without even half a blade of grass.


National Steering Panel on Military-Civilian Mutual Support


State Council Working Group for Placement of Demobilized Officers


State Council Office for Rectifying Business Misconducts (Unhealthy Practices) in (Government Departments and) Trades/Business


Workshop on Overseas Development of Chinese Enterprises

Symposium on Chinese Enterprises Going Global (走出去)


The Seven-Year Program for Delivering 80 Million People out of Poverty; The Seven-Year(1994-2000) National Poverty Alleviation Program

撤销行业主管局 abolish industrial administrations

诚实守信的职业道德 code of conduct-(professional ethics) (honesty and trustworthiness)


weed out corruption at root

root out corruption


Development is the fundamental (absolute, overriding) principle (a principle of paramount importance).

Development is absolute.


封山育林, 退耕还林; 退耕还湖, 平垸行洪;以工代赈, 移民建镇; 加固河堤, 疏浚江河

closing mountains for tree planting (forestation), returning reclaimed farmland to forests or lakes, leveling minor embankments for easier floodwater discharge, providing work-relief, building new towns to relocate (resettle) the displaced , reinforcing the main dikes and dredging rivers

高校后勤社会化 commercialize college logistics

工程监理制the project supervision mechanism

股份制经济the joint-stock (share-holding) sector of the economy


reforms aimed at turning state-owned enterprises into standardized joint-stock companies

to turn state-owned enterprises into standardized joint-stock companies

机关事业单位职工 employees of government agencies (offices) and public institutions

精简,统一,效能 streamlining, consistency and efficiency

老龄工作 work concerning senior citizens

农民进城务工就业migrant farmer-workers (off-farm workers)

企业化转制enterprise-oriented reform, to turn public institutions into enterprises

取消审批项目 nullify items originally subject to examination and approval, deregulation


The number of the country’s administrative posts was cut (reduced) by… downsize (cut down) the government payroll by…

增强了全民参与环境保护的自觉性 to heighten public awareness for environmental protection.

“三条保障线”的衔接coordinate the “three guarantees”(three kinds of guarantees)

“扫黄”,“打非”fight pornographic and illegal publications

社会保障事业social security (social safety net) undertakings

“送电到乡”make electricity available to the countryside

拖欠职工工资wage arrears/overdue salary


to pay particular attention to

to adopt preferential (favorable) policies for/give special priority to

“引进来”与“走出去”相结合integrating our “inviting home” and “going global” strategies

平等会谈 to hold talks as equals


consultation on an equal footing

consultation as equals

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